Saturday, August 1, 2009

St. Catherine: The Dialogue 2009-2010

We will begin reading Catherine of Siena: The Dialogue in September. The recommended edition is translated and introduced by Suzanne Noffke, OP. It is available at and as well as most Catholic book stores (they can also order it for you).

Our schedule is as follows:

SEPT. Introduction to the Life and Mission of St. Catherine, including overview of the Prologue (pp. 1-27; sections 1-2)

OCT. “Way of Perfection” and “Dialogue” (pp.28-63; sections 3-25)

NOV. “The Bridge” (pp. 64-109; sections 26-54)

DEC. “The Bridge” (pp. 109-160; sections 55-87)

JAN. “Tears” (pp. 161-183; sections 88-97)

FEB. “Truth” (pp. 184-204; sections 98-109)

MAR. “Mystical Body of Holy Church” (pp. 205-240; sections 110-124)

APR. “Mystical Body of Holy Church” (pp. 240-276; sections 125-134)

MAY “Providence” (pp. 277-326;sections 135-153)

JUNE “Obedience” and “Conclusion” (pp. 327-366; sections 154-167 )

Revelation Reading Schedule 2009-2010

Leader’s resource: Navarre Bible Commentary on Revelation
Recommended Supplementary Reading:
Scott Han, The Lamb’s Supper
H.M. . Feret, OP, The Apocalypse Explained

SEPT. Talk on Introduction to Prophecy
OCT. Chs. 1-3
NOV. Chs. 4-5
DEC. Chs. 6-7
JAN. Chs. 8-11:14
FEB. Chs. 11:15--13
MAR. Chs. 14-15
APR. Chs. 16-18
MAY Chs.19-20
JUNE Chs. 21-22