Our schedule is as follows:
SEPT. Introduction to the Life and Mission of St. Catherine, including overview of the Prologue (pp. 1-27; sections 1-2)
OCT. “Way of Perfection” and “Dialogue” (pp.28-63; sections 3-25)
NOV. “The Bridge” (pp. 64-109; sections 26-54)
DEC. “The Bridge” (pp. 109-160; sections 55-87)
JAN. “Tears” (pp. 161-183; sections 88-97)
FEB. “Truth” (pp. 184-204; sections 98-109)
MAR. “Mystical Body of Holy Church” (pp. 205-240; sections 110-124)
APR. “Mystical Body of Holy Church” (pp. 240-276; sections 125-134)
MAY “Providence” (pp. 277-326;sections 135-153)
JUNE “Obedience” and “Conclusion” (pp. 327-366; sections 154-167 )